The Future of Ingredient Manufacturing
People use biological ingredients, like proteins and small molecules, every day in our foods, cosmetics and medicines.
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​Many biological ingredients are essential to keep us healthy. They are often rare and may require intensive unsustainable extraction from natural environments like our forests and oceans. Because of this added expense, some have to go without the benefits of these ingredients.
Seedling Biosystems unique science uses modern sustainable agriculture to produce these rare and essential biological ingredients.

Soybeans are solar powered, subsist off of rainfall, and form relationships with bacteria in the soil to make their own fertilizer. Even among other cultivated plants, soybeans are renowned for minimal habitat disturbance, pollution, and emissions. Seedling Biosystems' platform utilizes this super-crop to make ingredients that improve lives.
Shown here on his family's soybean farm, our CEO's journey from a small-town upbringing to a PhD in biochemistry from Yale comes full circle. His team's work at Seedling Biosystems is a testament to this journey, harnessing a crop pivotal in his childhood, to revolutionize sustainable ingredient production.

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